Ken Riddick
A Portfolio of Success
Social Media In 2005 we worked from the premise that our audience had much more to contribute to the digital dialogue. We created the award-winning, a social media site focused on encouraging readers help each other find relevant activities. This early social media effort included:
 Professional journalism that was the basis of the user dialogue
 A wide variety of user-generated content such as guides, ratings, discussions, favorites
 A rich calendar of events
 The ability to save content such as reviews, favorite restaurants, bars, bands
 A variety of contesting
 Even the "About Us" page was a Wiki

Semantic Web
newstimes.comThe News-Times in Danbury, Connecticut, exploits Semantic Web and Search technologies such as text mining and other cutting-edge tools. They allowed:
 Highly relevant serendipitous content discovery
 Automated concept and topics pages around people, places, organization, etc.
 Radically improved, automated photo gallery creation
 Elimination of content path dead ends
 Automated inline hyper-linking to relevant concepts
 Seamless relevant federated search of all media types
 A much richer content experience without an increase in resources
 Traffic increases of more than 30% the first month

Strategic Partnerships and Marketplace was created as a virtual shopping brand. It exploited local search technologies to provide complete retailer inventories but it's biggest strength is in the strategic partnerships:
 Local area chambers of commerce helped small retailers provide and maintain their inventories on the site
 The Minnesota Retailers Association provided the URL and access to its constituent retailers, as well as valuable feedback
 Both provided sales access to multiple retailers to create extremely effecient sales efforts
The 146-year-old Seattle Post-Intelligencer is the largest metro daily newspaper to convert to an online-only business model for revenue and audience, an effort achieved in only six weeks. Results are exceeding expectations. The effort required:
 Deep analysis of audience traffic patterns
 Extensive revenue and expense modeling
 Strategic staffing models
 Extensive product and content analysis
The Latino Market
Vida En El is a bilingual site focused on the Central Valley's Latino readership:
 Produced in Spanish and English
 Focused on the fastest-growing audience segment
 Attracts non-traditional advertisers
 Expands brand
 Later expanded to cover the entire Central Valley
 Sister print publication
Large-Market Newspaper sites is the leading news Web site in Minnesota by almost any measure and achieved many goals:
 Tripled revenues to more than $24 million annually
 Reduced expenses, improved profitability
 Sustained double-digit annual audience growth
 Consistently among the highest rated news sites for audience engagement
 Numerous industry awards
Others serves the Central San Joaquin Valley of Californa.
 Fifteen Hearst Newspapers sites including,,, and representing more than 2 billion page views annually

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